Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oppression and Robbery: Courtesy of the U.S. Government

"To take from one because it is thought that his own industry and that of his father’s has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association—the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it."

Wisley said by Thomas Jefferson. If what he said is true, this founding father of our country, how is it that these welfare programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, WIC, and others exsist to hamper the free market, a person's ability to operate and be successful in it, and put much burden of these programs on the successful? Why is it that crushing income taxes are forced on the wealthy while some others do not pay it at all? Welfare along with heavy income taxation are comparable to oppression, and robbery.

Welfare programs are paid for with the taxpayers tax dollar. The more of them, usually means the more taxes rise. So essentially the more money, or as Jefferson says "fruits" of a person's labor is being taxed, the more is going to someone else, who did not work for that person's "fruit." Why should a hard working person's money go to another who did not work for that money? Charity is not outlawed is possible to give money to someone who did not work for it if so wished, BUT that is a choice made by the one who acquired that money. With taxation, the money is forced, by law, to be payed. Therefore no choice and therefore the government hampering the fruits of one's own labor.

Again the government impedes on the fruits of one's labor when it comes to income taxing the rich. Those who have worked hard and because of the free market have gained wealth are punished for their success by the governemnt, highest income taxes being over thirty percent for the wealthiest. These successful and wealthy people are paying so much in taxes because some are allowed to pay none at all, and the government must find a way to pay for many welfare programs. So obviously the first conclusion is to take from the rich and give to the poor...instead of cutting the programs. No where have I seen in the Constitution the right to someone else's money, and Jefferson and other founding fathers have said things to support that their should not be.

One may now say that these welfare programs help people in times of need. Well, why is it that a person who has saved intelligently their whole life, must pay taxes to help someone who has not?

Welfare does not help people, it harms them and their ability to be successful. In the book See, I told you so an account of welfare dependency distrubed me. After the riots in L.A. two decades ago, a post office building had been burned down. A few days later many people started to form a line outside the burned down building. MANY people, crying and weeping. What is it that they are waiting in line for? Welfare checks. These people have become so dependent on these checks they must hope and pray this burned building will still produce their government money and they have no idea how to get back into the free market. This is the government HARMING it people, not helping them.

Don't misunderstand me, I realize that not everyone in welfare programs are "cheating" the system or are people who deliberatley choose poorly with their money, but this still gives them no right to the fruits of another's labor. Those people can thank the government's intrusion on the free market through regulation, and hampering employer's ability to hire more because of high taxation.

Capitalsim is how our country is where it is today in advancement, and technology. Welfare and high income taxes limit the ability for the free market to help as many people as it can, and the government will continue to opress people who have become dependent on welfare unless these things are eliminated. It is the free market that has made the U.S. strong, and our republic so strong. I leave with a quote from Thomas Jefferson.

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

When did our government forget?


  1. Correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds to me like you're legitimately trying to compare taxation to the government robbing you.

    I think this is rather unfair, seeing as how if YOU were the one in need of the money you probably wouldn't be complaining. But since that's a hypothetical (and I know you'll deny it) I won't use that as the base of my argument.

    Being an American citizen implies that you want to be a part of a nation that does it's best to keep the general public as happy as possible, unfortunately for your theory, the majority of the people aren't rich, and will end up needing this help eventually (or, just don't mind helping out people in need). If you don't like the American taxes then leave
    America! Or just start an uprising and try to get the majority of the population to agree with you.

    And I do agree with your last Jefferson quote, however, not in the same way you do. I believe you are overlooking the fact that many of the people on the government programs physically can't work, not just don't want to. In your theory these people (who are too old, injured, or sick to work) don't deserve money and I have to say that is where I disagree with your thoughts most.

  2. You are correct when you say that I am comparing taxation to robbery, but not ALL taxes, the Constitution gives that power to the government, BUT that should be for running the government and the military, when redistribution of wealth occurs, that is what I'm talking about when I say Robbery (specifically the income tax). What you said about being an American citizen is also false, no where have I read that.

    Next thing, you dont have to be "rich" to be able to save. If the government was not taking so much of your money, you would have more to save and you wouldn't be "needing this help eventually". Also if they did not tax successful business owner's so much, they could employ more people and pay them more, allowing them to save more. It is all a domino effect.

    Now I must address your second paragraph. If I were the one in need of the money? I don't NEED that money. I do not have a right to someone else's money. IT IS NOT MINE. I did not create that wealth and I am not entitled to anyone's money. If I have no money, cannot pay for food, and charity does not aid me, I AM S.O.L.
